Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Bitterroot Flower Shop 2/2013

Bitterroot Flower Shop

We got to go behind the scenes at Bitterroot Flower Shop. It was so neat!


Saturday, March 9, 2013

Clay Studio 2/21/13

The Clay Studio February 2013

We got a chance to check out the Clay Studio and play with some clay. The kids had tons of fun squishing clay and making their own creations (sans firing just for practice). They learned that clay goes through different stages and changes colors depending on the stage it is in.  Thanks Jazmine for the demo!


Michael's Art Project 2/4/13

Michael's Art Project February 2013

Michael's art store allowed us to have 20 children in for an art project. It was very fun; they kids got to pick out sticker letters for their name, stick them on canvas, then paint over them.  There was paint, glitter, stencils! It was so much fun and a great project to do at home, too.


KPAX Tour 1/28/13

KPAX Tour January 2013

The PLAY Network were the first outside people to see the newly re-done KPAX set! It was bright and blue with lots of TV monitors.  We were informed on how they deliver the news and weather on the station.


Rosauers Bakery Tour 1/4/13

Rosauers Bakery Tour Jan. 2013

We got to tour the bakery of local supermarket Rosauers and see what goodies they make. One of the kid's favorites because they get samples!


Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Annual Holiday Party 12/19/12

Holiday Party December 2012

Our annual potluck holiday party was a blast this year! Santa and the Whizpops came and everyone brought great treats to share.  There was cookie decorating thanks to Abby Morris. Another big thanks to Kylie Barnes for having the Clark Fork City Church host our party. 


Rhythm Tykes 12/19/12

Rhythm Tykes Class December 2012

Matthew Nord was kind enough to let us in on a special Rhythm Tykes class just for the PLAY Network. The kids got to sing and groove. It was great!