Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Apple Pressing!

A great time was had by all when we visited Ft. Missoula for some apple pressing.

The kids got to get their hands dirty dropping in apples and grinding them up. The best part was tasting the cider after it was all finished, though.

It was Autumn at its finest!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Clothing Swap also benefits Pass It On Missoula

There were lots of cute clothes, Halloween costumes, and a few toys, to choose from at the clothing swap on Thursday, October 9. On Saturday, I delivered the leftovers to Pass It On Missoula. The PLAY Network will receive a donation of 10% of the sale price for any items sold by Pass It On. Items that aren't sold will be donated to local organizations or families in need.

Both the clothing swap and Pass It On provide great ways for your family to "wear it, then share it" with others. Thanks to everyone who participated.

If you picked up something particularly cute, why not send a photo to the other members of the PLAY Network?

Saturday, October 4, 2008

MISMO gymnastics day

A big thanks to MISMO for the free gymnastics class last week. Remember that both MISMO and Bitterroot Gymnastics offer smokin' deals for PLAY Network members. Contact Lara for more information.